Our Approach
Common treatment for migraine and headache relies on medicinal pain relief. Traditional medical views of headaches and migraines have often not taken into account that a disorder of your upper neck could be responsible for your headache or migraine.
New research: Latest research on the Watson Headache® Approach points to the top of the neck, namely the first three vertebrae, being a major contributor to headache and migraine. The recent research now shows that there is an area of the brainstem which is sensitised in people with recurring headaches and migraines. This area is responsible for processing all of the signals from your neck, scalp, face, sinuses, eyes, ears, brain and forehead. This area of the brain also is affected by changes in the chemical serotonin (change in stress and anxiety levels), different foods, drinks, sounds, lights and smells etc. Everyone can be affected in different ways and that's why it can be hard for your doctor to work out the triggers or get to the cause of the problem. This is always important when treating any medical condition. In the majority of cases, the top of the neck has now been shown to be a major causative factor in the making of a migraine and headache. If the neck is an issue, the other triggers will become an issue as well. This is because the area of your brainstem that the messages from the top of your neck passes through is the same area that your triggers pass through. New treatment: The Sydney Headache Clinic offers treatment to desensitise this part of your brainstem, by using the ground-breaking Watson Headache® Approach. Using proven techniques, clinicians at Sydney Headache Clinic are able to diagnose where your headache is coming from, and treat that cause. No more guessing as to what your headache triggers are, no more medication roundabouts, food diaries etc. Within the first few sessions we will be able to let you know whether your neck is the missing piece of your headache/migraine puzzle. In the majority of cases it is. We offer a new, research based perspective for headache and migraine treatment, which uses graduated sustained pressure to the neck. If you're looking for a more natural migraine relief, that gives you an option for your migraines or headaches that doesn't completely rely on medication you should call us for a consultation. |
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